Good Sleep, Baby Skin

Good Sleep, Baby Skin

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It seems hard to believe but 2017 is nearing an end, another year has gone by and we are all getting older.

Yet while getting old is inevitable, there are ways we can keep our skin looking young.

One of the keys to keeping your skin looking young is beauty sleep.

Firstly, you need to get a good night’s sleep – sleep does wonders for your skin because your body is repairing your skin during sleep – fewer wrinkles, glowing complexion, less puff eyes – are just some of the benefits from a good night’s sleep

And sleep is the one time that your skin is not battling the sun or harmful molecules, so your skin is prime to benefit from the restorative ingredients in your beauty products.

I recommend that every night you wash your face, apply toner (to keep the skin hydrated) and then apply your night care beauty products.

And try to sleep on your back with your head on a pillow, face-up so that you minimize contact with pillows, which removed beauty ingredients and wrinkle your face when your face rubs against them

Tip – you can further help your skin by using a silk pillowcase. Unlike their coarse traditional counterparts, silk pillow cases are smoother and much gentler on your skin, they help keep beauty ingredients in place and working to restore your skin, and they also help prevent wrinkling of the skin…


Wishing you beautiful skin!

Love to you all,

Lily Lan Chen