A Lovely hand to Hold

A Lovely hand to Hold

750 730 lilylanchen

I want our hands to feel and look pretty.

I do not believe that only hand models should have good looking hands, we should all take care of our hands and allow them to be healthy and look beautiful!

While we do a manicure to show off our nails or wear fancy jewelry to look good, we rarely think about the health of our hands… Our hands age faster than our face. Most hands have blemishes such as scrapes, scars, spots or discolorations, and of course wrinkles.

Hand care for me has become a big part of my life. Working as a hairdresser and makeup artist here in NYC, I’m expected to have flawless hands and nails – I am expected to maintain healthy and pretty hands all of the time. Of course perfection is not always attainable, my nails break and my hands dry on a daily basis.

My clients look at my hands frequently. I watch Oprah and Michelle Obama’s speeches, and am impressed with how they make their speeches more powerful and memorable through communicating with their hands. I of course pay attention to how their hands look. To be honest I don’t pay much attention or remember what Meghan Markle’s diamond ring looks like, but my eyes are looking her hands. She has beautiful hands.

Hands are such a key part of experiencing life, from holding our lover’s hands, to helping others, to feeling warm and cold, so I want to share my hand care tips with all of my you.

When it comes to taking care of my hands, I am not a fan of spending a lot of money on products. You do not have to spend like a hand model – some of them earn up to $1200 a day modeling their hands! – to take good care of your hands . Mini Rose hand cream is a great and inexpensive product that makes your hands very soft and helps protect them against cold weather. They have large collection of hard care products including carry-on for each product and sizes. I also use lemons to clean and refresh my hands in summertime.

Simple things like the above can make a big difference. I think hand care is very similar to any beauty routine; you just have to find what works for you and try to be consistent.

Tips: before my bedtime, during my night beauty routine I use my excess face exfoliate product to exfoliate my hands. I do the same thing with my facial moisturizes – I just rub the excess/residue into my hands.

Tips: Take biotin for healthy nail, hair and skin.
When I want to supercharge and treat my HANDS LIKE MY FACE I use my newest hand mask for  Age defying

My funny and secret reminder: One time I went on a date, we were having a lovely time until I saw him bite his nails, which ruined the evening for me. So don’t bite your nails, and make sure your nails are always clean.



Wishing you youthful, beautiful soft hands
Love to you all,