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At home you know that your man is the most handsome in the world ? , and when you have an important event to attend you certainly want him to look his best so that you can show him off… And like you, he needs help grooming so that he can look his best…

We are used to buying beauty products, makeup, skin, hair care and fragrances, etc. for ourselves… Buying beauty products for and helping your man look his best should be fun – below are some of my tips for getting the best results:

In the world of shaving, there is a big debate over whether your man should cleanse before or after he shaves. I believe it is a matter of personal preference. In my experience watching my boyfriend’s daily grooming routine, I believe it is important to cleanse both before and after shaving – cleansing beforehand opens pores and moistens the skin, helping prepare for a smooth shaving experience, while cleansing afterwards removes shaving cream and prepares the skin to receive moisturizers. Whether you cleanse before or after shaving, always make sure your shaving utensils are clean, that you change razor blades after 3-5 uses, and that you apply the right after-shave moisturizer.

Good shaving cream matters as it:

• Moisturizers and soothes skin.
• Maintains the skin’s natural pH
• Calms redness and irritation.

The right products, coupled with the right technique will suffice and, over time, revolutionize the state of your skin.

I go with Harry’s STARTER SETS I got this for my boyfriend and he cannot stop telling me how smooth his skin feels – he LOVES it! He can’t stop smooching my face after he shaves…


Pre-Shave Cream: Apply shaving cream to dampen the skin prior to shaving.
Massage with circular motions until you see the foam from your shaving cream and do not rinse.

Apply the right pressure: the weight of a razor handle is hugely important because it will determine the amount of pressure you end up using. Cheap plastic handles invariably cause men to use too much elbow grease, a technical fault that will end in bloodshed.

Shave both with and against the grain. Facial hair grows in many directions so you’ll shave both with and against the grain at different times in your routine. Shave in the direction that feels most comfortable

Aftershave Balm: Apply to your face, massaging gently to facilitate absorption which will help rehydrate and repair skin impacted by razor over the coming hours.

Wishing your man a smooth shave and much smooching’

Love to you all,
